👋I'm Samuel!

Engineer, Developer, M.Sc. Student, LOTR Nerd, Cybersecurity Enthusiast & Dog Lover from 🇫🇮

This websites serves as: a portfolio and digital CV, a window into my personal interests, and well-crafted blog posts.

I do suffer from reading & writing difficulties, so if anything looks, or is wrong tht's why...


Languages: Ruby, PHP, Python, JS, C#, C
WebDev: Laravel, WordPress, SCSS, Node.js, TS, React
Databases: Redis, MySQL, GraphQL, MongoDB
Topics: Cybersecurity, Digital Privacy, Reverse-engineering, Deep-learning

I do know other stuff as well:

Bachelor's Thesis

Open-source dog breed identification built with Fast.ai’s CNN using transfer learning 🐕

Feel free to read about my bachelor thesis regarding: Deep-learning, dog breed identification, Fast.ai, Python and much more.

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