I tried, and tried, and tried to get the built in pagination to work with Jekyll. I followed the official guide but to no help. Well we all need to carefully read the documentation and check what permalinks we pass on to our configuration files before we begin to smash our keyboards to bits and pieces.
All my pages are all inside a pages folder directly at the root. I then have a blog page that holds all the created blog posts, I wanted to use pagination on that page to not create an infinite scroll of blog posts. However the first mistake I made is that with Jekyll pagination is only works on an index.html
file. So to solve that I moved my blog.html
inside a folder called blog
, and renamed the blog.html
to index.html
However this error message appeared in the console when I ran bundle exec jekyll serve
Pagination: Pagination is enabled, but I couldn't find an index.html page to use as the pagination template. Skipping pagination.
This was fixed when I configured my _config.yml
correctly. I had it like this: paginate_path: "/blog/page:num/"
, but I needed to use the entire relative path like this: paginate_path: "/pages/blog/page:num/"
, that solved the error message above.
So remember kids, read the documentation, double-check your spelling, and always check the config file.